Personal Gratis

Please - don't concern yourself with becoming someone 'big'. Don't worry about becoming a public figure, being rich and successful at your age, or your popularity on social media. Don't spend hours and days on your doubts and insecurities.

As it goes - do what you love, do what allows you to grow, do good, and give back, and if fame or recognition is a part of that, then it will come.

The future will arrive anyway, good and bad - please don't spend too much time worrying about something that is yet to arrive, but work for it instead. Focus on the now - the person you are, and who you hope to be. You are in the process of growing - you will really have to get through all the mistakes and failures, before you become someone of worth. A lot of great people on this earth were nothing in their 20s, they were still collecting experiences that made them become who they are to become. 

Don't be pressured into all that you see on social media. Who said you had to have a family and a career at your age? Who said you had to have 100+ 'likes' to show that your presence is important? Who said that owning the latest iphone, drinking starbucks, and travelling the world is an ideal life? Who posted that #lifegoals or #relationshipgoals tag, that let you believe your life unworthy if it didn't live up to the glossy, summery photos? 

There are SO MANY definitions of success. So many definitions of happiness and contentment. Don't think that just because you are not 'famous' or that you are not the 'founder' of anything, that you are a failure. There is so much that you could do right now instead of comparing yourself to others - working hard, gaining experience, doing things that genuinely make you happy, to name a few.

Focus on your inner self. Focus on your dreams, your relationships, and your faith. Work hard at them, because there is an amazing person inside you that will mature to become who you are meant to be: your best self. Right now, the only way to get there is by working hard, making mistakes and exploring your full potential - not by sitting and envying someone else.  

I wrote this over a year ago. It's unnerving how words from your past self could resonate with you in the present. 


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