Canon Youth Ambassador

Ahhh! Ahhh!!! I'm still internally screaming with excitement. *Take deep breaths* Ok ok. 

"You're always on instagram"
"You take 50 years to pick a photo, Sha."
"What editing apps do you use?"
"What camera do you use?"
"I love your pictures!"

Truth be told I'm pretty much a novice photographer. I enjoy it - no, wait, I love it. It's been one of my hobbies since forever, and I finally, properly, only got the chance to explore and exercise this when I bought my own camera (the Canon 600D) in 2014, just before I left for London. Prior to this I've only borrowed cameras from friends, and took my travelling photos with my trusty old Samsung Galaxy S.

I guess the past three years has really allowed me to exercise that capability. I got my basic knowledge back in degree, when there was an elective photography course (I got a C grade for that, actually. Haha seriously no natural talent here..) But it opened the door to photography as a developing hobby. The bottom line is that I love capturing moments, sights, and curating them for my personal pleasure.

One of my resolutions for 2018 was to seriously develop and continue exploring my passions. To be granted this chance to learn with Canon Malaysia is a dream come true! Even if I may not make it as a finalist, it's going to help me improve my photography, and seriously enhance my skills in this field.   The opportunity to learn itself is one that I am so grateful for, as I know (even from personal experience) that not everyone gets the chance to pursue what they love in life.

Sharing the photos with all of you, having you view them, and sometimes enjoy them, is just simply rewarding! This enrolment would not have happened without your support. This sounds so cliched and I feel like I'm writing an award speech (poyonyaaa hehe kasi sis chance), but it comes from a place of humble gratitude. Because, thank you so much for following and liking my photos. They're far from being amazing, but thank you for the encouragement you give me to continue exploring and sharing something I love.

Even if it's a small thing. Even if it's a simple thing. I hope that you get to go and grow doing something you love, too. ♥ 


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