It Takes Time

One of the biggest reminders I had this year was the concept of taking time.

In this world of instant happenings, we've placed upon ourselves the notion that everything has to happen now.

Make it big now. Have a future plan, now. Make sure you share what you're enjoying, now. You must be happy and successful, now. What's the next big thing? We want to know, now.

While in certain cases it's an admirable mindset, it cannot be the norm. It can't be the pedestal on which we place ourselves.

Sometimes, no, most times, we need time. We need time to immerse ourselves in the present. We need time to appreciate an amazing event in our lives. We need time to digest trauma, or breaking news, or just deal with the crappy days. We need time to grow. The process of growing is never instantaneous.

I read a quote by Drew Heriot this year that changed my perspective: 'Some of the biggest questions of the heart, unfolds as a path, not an answer'. It made me realise that the thing you hope and pray for is never just singular or as is, and that it would be a wasted opportunity if it was so.

So with that, take your time. Take that break. Revel in that time out. Even if it's ten minutes out of your day. Even if it's one whole weekend. You are not your worries. You are not your daily tasks. You are not the glories or the amazing day that you've just had. You are much more than that. And you will become more than that, too. Realising this, fully appreciating yourself, understanding that your life is an ever evolving process, takes time.


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