A small reminder

I think a crucial part in sharing your successes is also to recognise the privilege that enabled you to achieve them.

And empathising that other people may not have the opportunities or capabilities that you take as a natural part of your life.

Every single element in your existence comes into play for your rezeki and your means. And you must be conscious of it all, so that you are self aware, of your strengths (and weaknesses) and can live up to your best potential with what you do with yourself. 

The end game here is to give back. To the betterment of your family and your community and yourself, based on the opportunities you have.

And I am not saying that your privilege makes you owe others. I am just saying, that your privilege makes you responsible for what you do with it.  

Setiap rezeki yang dikurniakanNya is a responsibility :) 


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