The London Karyacacia

I thought I'd share this here too :) 

I'd coloured this note way back when, before I started studying here, with the smallest hopes that I would. Years later, even after living in this city, I never quite found the time to capture and share this one out. I thought I'd post it to mark the end of my chapter in London; I figured I'd save it as a grateful memento for this crazy capital; all these grand acts to signify a momentous shift. But one way or another, I put it off after graduating, after packing off from Greenwich, after moving back to Malaysia, because perhaps a part of me was terrified to close the door on one of the most fascinating experiences of my twenties. But the more I think about it, the more I realise it's not the end, by any means. I know I'm still anchored to this place in ways even I can't explain. Fundamentally it's where I was born, where I spent my childhood, and now, a part of my adulthood. This post marks a change, sure, but it’s definitely not the conclusion. With that, see you soon, London!


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